This year is indeed a special year…a holy year for you, for your children, and for our parish community. This year we journey together in faith as we help prepare our children to celebrate the Sacrament of the Eucharist. Although we tend to focus on the needs of the children, it is important to realize that this time of preparation presents all of us—parents, catechists, parish staff, and other members of our faith community—with wonderful opportunities to deepen our own faith and our understanding of the sacraments.
Through the sacraments, we remember and celebrate the central dimensions of Christian life and grow in our awareness of God’s loving presence in our lives. Sacraments are events that involve the entire community in ways that make clear for us our common relationship in Christ. Sacraments hold such deep meaning for us because they are rooted in and flow from our everyday experiences of belonging, sharing, loving, and forgiving. Make this period of sacramental formation a special time for your family to become more aware of God’s presence in your lives.
This is one of the most important years in the life of your children. Their relationship with Jesus and the Church will take a profound step forward. Please work with your child at home to reinforce what they are learning at Religious Education Classes and at Church. We hope that each student will be able to memorize the Our Father, the Hail Mary, and the and making the Sign of the Cross. Parents need to take time and show an interest in the prayer life of their children. Sunday Mass attendance is extremely important when preparing for a Sacrament.