As we head into the Christmas season, it is time for us to share with the many individuals and families in West Springfield who are in need.
This year, we will follow the same protocol as last year and forego putting tags on the Christmas tree at Church to alleviate the need for social distancing around the tree. We ask that you put your own age-appropriate tag on your unwrapped gifts. Age groups range from infants through teenagers, as well as the elderly.
We are looking specifically for toys and games for younger children, games and gift cards for teens, and the elderly can use gift cards for grocery stores, department stores, and restaurants.
In addition, fast-food restaurant gift cards are helpful to the Parish Cupboard. The gift cards feed the homeless on weekends when the Parish Cupboard is not open.
The Parish Giving Tree will continue through the weekend of November 30th and December 1st. Please place unwrapped gifts under the Christmas Tree. All gift cards should be returned through the collection basket during Mass.
Thank you for your continued generosity in helping to make the Christmas season a little brighter for our neighbors in West Springfield.
If you have any questions, please call Mary or Mary Anne Flaherty at 734-6785 or by email at [email protected].